What are You Preparing For?

Biblical Text: Matthew 3:1-12

The Baptist calls Israel back to their core beliefs.  God will come down and redeem us.  We are not enough in ourselves, but the Lord fights for us.  And this God is a creator God, and a re-creator.  When God comes down and establishes his reign, he is not limited to what he finds.  He shall create all things new.  And so what we – what Israel – can do is prepare.  We can prepare the way of the Lord.  We can make his paths straight.  What does that mean?  It does not mean that we build the Kingdom.  Neither does it mean we melt away into the Kingdoms of the World.  What it mean is that we believe.  We repent of where we have gone wrong.  And we bear the fruits of that repentance.  Christ has delivered us from sin, and the power of the devil.  And he will deliver us from death.  We prepare to re-cross that Jordan.