Salvation: Vengeance and Recompense

Biblical Text: Isaiah 35:4-7

“Say to those with an anxious heart…”. That is how the text starts. And I think that is just about everyone. We start off with a background level of anxiety. Like background radiation. It is just there. But we all have our own specific anxiety. And here is a word from God to exactly those with an anxious heart. And that word is “Be Strong! Fear Not!” The immediate response from the anxious heart might just well be “why? tell me why I should fear not?” And the text gives us one of God’s rare answers. God will come and save you. God will come and save you with vengeance and recompence. And that is what this sermon preaches. What is a salvation of vengeance and recompence.

The Writing on the Wall

[This was a sermon delivered this morning at chapel at Valley Lutheran High School (]

Then they brought in the golden vessels that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God in Jerusalem, and the king and his lords, his wives, and his concubines drank from them. 4 They drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone. 5 Immediately the fingers of a human hand appeared and wrote on the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace, opposite the lampstand. And the king saw the hand as it wrote. 6 Then the king’s color changed, and his thoughts alarmed him; his limbs gave way, and his knees knocked together. 7 The king called loudly to bring in the enchanters, the Chaldeans, and the astrologers. The king declared to the wise men of Babylon, “Whoever reads this writing, and shows me its interpretation, shall be clothed with purple and have a chain of gold around his neck and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.” 8 Then all the king’s wise men came in, but they could not read the writing or make known to the king the interpretation.  – Dan. 5:3-8 ESV


This is the way I usually describe the book of Daniel.  The first six chapters are a catechism for life as a faithful Jew in the midst of Babylon. The last six chapters are the ones that prove nobody understood the first six.  Those last six are apocalyptic, and so the natural question is always “What does this mean?” And the shelves are full of books that don’t get it. Written by enchanters, Chaldeans, astrologers and the wise men of Babylon.  


Those first six chapters used to be staples of Sunday Schools everywhere. But those were the days when Sunday School was near universal and three out of four weeks. I’m old, so forgive me the nostalgia. Today I can’t assume that you’ve heard the story of “the writing on the wall”.  You might have heard the phrase.  And you might know that the writing means nothing good.  But unless you’ve seen the best Heath Ledger movie – A Knight’s Tale – you don’t know what it means. (Even my references are old, sorry.) That handwriting itself is an interesting puzzle. That’s a rabbit hole you could go down for a day. What exactly was the writing that so puzzled all the King’s advisors?

I’ll leave that to you, because my interest today is in the run up.  “They brought in the golden vessels that had been taken out of the temple, the house of God in Jerusalem…and drank from them.  They drank wine and praised the gods of gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood and stone.”

I said that the first six chapters of Daniel are a catechism for faithful Jews in the midst of Babylon. As such they are also a catechism for Christians in the midst of this world.  There is an iron progression in everything the world does.  First the world blasphemes the real, the God who created. Belshazzar the Babylonian King – even though his great predecessor Nebuchadnezzar had proclaimed the wonders of Daniel’s God – Belshazzar thinks nothing more of that God’s sacred items than to get drunk and have an orgy. And why not, we conquered the Jews and took down their temple. Even if the man who did it would praise that God, ignore him, he’s old and dead.

So turned away from the creator to blasphemy, the World then worships the creation. “They praised the gods of gold and silver” and all the way down to humble stone. Idolatry takes many forms.  The human heart is an idol factory. Oh we think we are much better than the ancients.  We don’t build a temple or find a grotto and stick a statue in it and call it God.  No, if you are old like me, you install on you wall the largest image creator you can, and 24/7 play the stories of the gods – whether of politics, or money or fate or love. If you are your age, you carry that talking image in your pockets. And we are all addicted to the feed, to knowing what is happening with the gods.

And the final step of the world – from blasphemy, to worshipping the creation, the final step is ignorance. “Then all the king’s wise men came in, but they could not read the writing or make know the interpretation.” The most important thing to know is written on the wall, and nobody can read.  Nobody knows what it means. They can see the signs, but not understand them.  They had given up the eternal for the temporal.  And so their understanding was darkened.

Eventually the queen – who might be getting a dig in at her wastrel king – reminds him of Daniel and they call the faithful Jew in who is able to read the handwriting on the wall.


What does this mean?  That’s a good Lutheran question that you might recognize if you have memorized the Small Catechism. A good exercise even if you can call it up on your pocket device. Luther asks that question over and over and gives a short answer.  What does this mean?

Let me offer up three things.

First, as Christian in the midst of this world, the opportunities to Blaspheme and Worship idols are ever present.  Now being the King’s enchanter, Chaldean, astrologer or wise man might seem like the best thing.  All your parents want you to succeed and success is usually defined in worldly terms.  We don’t call them those things anymore.  We might use words like the doctors, the economists, the technicians and the advisors. But the fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom.  If your success is based on technique, there is always a new technique that you will not be able to read. The idols always offer technique. But the way of the LORD is wisdom. And only wisdom can discern the correct technique. Only wisdom brings our things old and things new from the treasury.

Second, as a Christian in the midst of this world, you don’t have to fear anything you study. It was all made by God and it was made for you to understand. Daniel was never afraid to be a faithful Jew in the midst of Babylon. Now being that faithful person might mean having to dedicate yourself to excellence. Daniel was always better than the rest.  Excellence is always in short supply. It is always needed, even if it produces envy that might scheme to throw you into the lions den. But as much as the world might hate it, this world is God’s and he makes things work for his people. Study what you want. Dedicate yourself to excellence. Remember the LORD.

And last, but maybe most important. You are getting a chance here at Valley that Daniel never did. You are getting a chance to study under those who can help you answer “what does this mean?” You are studying with faithful teachers full of wisdom. Soak it up.  Apply yourself to learning and excellence. I think you will find in life this chance you have is rare and fleeting. So seize the day. Don’t find yourself later puzzling out the writing on the wall.  Because then it is too late.      

Onward Christian Soldiers: Martial Language

Biblical Text: : Mark 7:14-23, Eph 6:10-20, Onward Christian Soldiers

One of the things that largely disappeared from Christian vocabulary in the preceding couple of generations was martial language. There are some reasons. This sermon makes some guesses. But losing that language has cost the church dearly I believe. First, it is biblical. Using military words for the Christian life is all over the New and Old Testaments. The Epistle Lesson for the day (Ephesians 6:10-20) is just the most direct. And second, the Christian Life is the life of sanctification. And the life of sanctification is a life of stuggle against Satan, the World and our own sinful flesh. Now while pride might want us to use that martial language against Satan, the honest answer is that we are called most often to use it against ourselves. This sermon works on those themes, and it does it using the hymn Onward Christian Soldiers as the opening.

Sabbath Bread for the Journey

Biblical Text: 1 Kings 19:1-18

What is a Sabbath? There is a simple answer about a date on the calendar. But that is not how Luther’s Small Catechism defines it. Neither do I think that is how the Jesus talks about the Sabbath. That’s where this meditation starts, but it is really about the Old Testament reading for the day and Elijah’s journey. It is about the contrast between the Power and the Glory and The things that were made for man. It is about the regular Sabbaths and those that we desperately need. It is about how we receive the Bread of Life for the Journey that is too much for us.

Ask for This Bread…Always

Biblical Text: John 6:22-35

The text is sometimes call the Bread of Life Discourse. Actually, it is only the first third. The lectionary has us in John 6 for the three weeks. This sermon address that in noting the difference between the Synoptic Gospels (Matt, Mark, Luke) and John. John might tell the same story, but his story wants to work on deeper levels. In this case the question is really: “What do you hunger for?” Obviously we hunger for food. We eat some and feel full. But 4-6 hours later we are hungry again. The material and temporal points at our spiritual reality. We are hungry. For what? The sermon tries to preach that.

God Passes By

Biblical Text: Mark 6:45-56

The text is the Markan account of calming the storm and walking on the water. There are multiple accounts like this, but Mark’s is unique. It isn’t about Peter getting out of the boat. It is really about Jesus getting into the boat. In this sermon there are two words from the key phrase that I think need sharpened up. The first is how the disciples are described. “making way painfully” misses both the origin of the word which is in testing the purity of precious metal and misses how the word is normally used as torture. The disciples rowing int the 4th watch against the wind is a test or torture. And Jesus means to pass the by. Means is just too squishy. He desired, a much deeper word. The combination is a tough saying. But it is in the toughest saying that we often find the sweetest gospel. This sermon meditates on that.

Something to Eat

Biblical Text: Mark 6:30-44

The feeding of the 5000 is one of the few episodes that is in all 4 gospels. And I think each one of them has their own theological understanding of the event. Mark’s to me emphasizes the providence of Jesus in the Spiritual Life. We all tend to think we can do it ourselves. And then we end up hungry in a desolate place. This sermon walks through both how we find ourselves in those places, and how Jesus restores to us life by giving himself.

Which Kingdom?

Biblical Text: Mark 6:14-29 (Amos 7:7-15)

It is a difficult text and a difficult day. I am always amazed at the synchronicity of the lectionary. Honestly you start writing the next sermon in your head by Sunday afternoon. You translate it. Make sure you understand the words. You read what a few solid commentators have said through the ages. But by Wednesday, Thursday at the latest, the general theme is locked down. In this case the text was the story of John the Baptist’s execution by Herod. And the general theme I had decided upon what a contrast of the Kingdoms. The Kingdoms of this World represented by Herod and the The Kingdom of Heaven represented by Jesus and John. The general thrust coming from the best prayer ever written by Thomas Cranmer (which is saying a lot) – may we pass through things temporal without losing things eternal. As the people of God we are citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. Yet today the Kingdoms of this World and the Kingdom of Heaven exist side by side. Each exerting some authority over the other. How do we live in that overlap? And then Saturday evening someone tries to shoot a major Presidential Candidate. Someone was overtaken by things temporal and lost things eternal. And all of us, and entire nation, seems to be walking that same line. The propaganda assault we live in daily puts eternal weight (“The Republic Will Be Lost”) on temporal things. And it is not that those temporal things are not important. They are. It is that the Christian must not lose sight of the eternal. The Kingdoms of this world might listen and respect and protect us. We should pray for that. Herod did that for John, for a while. But they ultimately have a different master and work by different rules. They turn into beasts and chop off heads. The promise of the Kingdom of Heaven is not temporal rule or health and wealth. The promise of the Kingdom of Heaven is eternal life under the one true King, Jesus Christ. And if that means a temporal pit, so be it. The Kingdoms of this world will become the Kingdom of our Lord in his good time. And we shall be there to receive them.

Scandal of Particularity

Biblical Text: Mark 6:1-13

This sermon starts out with that theological phrase, the Scandal of Particularity. I think it is much more common that we admit. Primarily because we don’t really know what to call it when it happens. It is more than just envy. And it has some logic behind it. But if we can identify it, I think it is also what hangs around at the most intimate invitations from God to know Him better.

Soul Meets God

Biblical Text: Mark 5:21-43

The text is one of Mark’s famous “sandwiches.” He puts one story on the inside of a story interrupted. I think the reason is that we are meant to compare and contrast the inner and the outer stories. They illuminate each other. And these two stories are stories of desperation and faith. They are stories of the soul. In the inner one a story of how the soul meets God. In the outer one all the lies that Satan might throw in our way. This sermon is a little more experimental than what I normally do. And by experimental I probably mean spiritual experiential.